  • 2 years ago

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  • 01:18:40

Herbalist Chef Tara Lanich-LaBrie on Co-Creating A Relationship of Awareness With Your Body and the Earth [episode 62]

Earth Speak with Natalie Ross and Friends

Tara Lanich-LaBrie shares about co-creating magic with plants, through food. You’ll also hear about:

  • Intuitive and practical food making
  • What Tara has learned through studying and learning Gaelic
  • What happened when she visited the land of her ancestors
  • Tara shares the story of how she broke her sacrum and how Mullein supported her 

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Tara Lanich-LaBrie has been growing, foraging, and creating food and medicine in relationship with the plants for more than 20 years. She is a forever student of the plant realms and loves to share what she is learning through the lens of food. Tara creates colorful, gluten, dairy, and refined sugar-free food that are plant-focused with the intention that it gets people curious about the plants and how we can protect them. 

Tara believes that food is fundamental to our human community, weaving together what our ancestors knew was beyond survival; it is essential to our emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Food is integral to our reciprocal relationship with the land, people, and the many beings that inhabit our planet. Tara shares recipes, and teaches with the plants through her consciously created business The Medicine Circle, and through her Patreon @themedicinecircle


In this episode, we talk about:

  • How Tara began her journey of farming and working with the plants
  • How a vision from the plants, led Tara down her healing journey
  • Sharing and making food as an offering
  • Why the plants want to work with us
  • On intuitive and practical food making
  • Being diagnosed with chronic gut issues and PCOS
  • On accepting yourself as a sensitive being
  • On developing a relationship with your food
  • How liver cleansing and food elimination were a huge part of Tara’s healing journey
  • Symptoms as signals of what’s going on within the body
  • Creating a relationship of awareness with your body and the Earth
  • Tara shares the story of how she broke her sacrum and how
  • mullein supported her
  • How the plants teach us how to work with them
  • On trusting your intuition and your connection to the plants
  • Feeling into the difference between fear and intuition
  • Creating a practice of asking the plants for permission before harvesting
  • Tara’s deep connection to nettle
  • On creating beautiful and colorful food
  • The magic and medicine of herbal donuts
  • On speaking the language of the land
  • What Tara has learned through studying and learning Gaelic 
  • What happened when Tara visited the land of her ancestors
  • And so much more!

Secret Episode! Get access to past episodes at https://www.earthspeak.love/secret.




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Theme music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow http://www.scarletcrow.org/ and “Meeting Again” by Emily Sprague  https://mlesprg.info/

► Join the Earth Speak Collective Membership at https://www.earthspeak.love/collectiveFollow Earth Speak on Instagram and tag us when you share @earthspeak https://www.instagram.com/earthspeak

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